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2015-01-20 08:52  

1What was your least favorite job?
Ido not like the work of scientific research. In my opinion, this kind of jobisboring. Compared with scientific research, I prefer to communicate withpeople.Just like the old saying, traveling is better than reading ten thousandbooks.Journey is not as good as reading countless people.

2How long will you stay with ourairline? What kind ofcontributions will you make to our airline?
Firstof all I have to say I love this profession, so I would like to devoteall tothis career till I can not contribute anything to this job. I will managetofulfill my duties without any complain.

3What would your coworkers say about you?你的同事是怎么谈论你的?
Myfriends said I am reliable, because I will fulfill all the promises that Imade.I will not make a promise if I can not do that. My friends also think Iam aneasy-going person. Because I like to consider the problems on the others point of view, I can make friens with different kindof people.

4What would your previous supervisors sayabout you?他说我是个很上进的人,责任心很强,因为我总能超额完成任务,所以他说我是个很有能力的人。
Hesaid I am a positive person with strong sense of responsibility. I canoverfulfill the task, so he also think I am a good employee who has ability.

5What were the people like at your lastcompany?
Everyonethere is friendly. They would greet me with smile every morning. Theywill neverisolate anyone and there is no cheating between them. I like to workwith them Ifeel happy to work under this situation. When I feel sad, mycolleague therewill encourage me to make me feel that I am not lonely. I getalong with themwell. We are like a family.

6What did you dislike about your lastemployer?我没有不喜欢我的上一个老板,他是个很热心的人,而且具有组织能力,和经济头脑,他没有任何领导架子,很平易惊人,对我们每一个人都很好,所有跟他接触过的人都很喜欢他。
Ilike my last boss. He is enthusiastic with strong ability of organization. Heisan easygoing person with good economic mind and treats every staff. Well.Allthe people will like him if they know about him. .

7If you could change one thing about yourlast employer, whatwould it be?
Ido not think he needs to change anything. He is very nice..If I have tochooseone, I hope that he can become thin, though he looks cute now.

8Were you satisfied with your performance atyour last job?
Yes,I am satisfied with my performance. I managed to do the things that Ishould doand treated every people around me sincerely. I have done my best tohelp mycolleagues and have never done something regretful.

9Was your previous employer satisfied withyour performance?
Ithink he is satisfied with me. Because I always have a good attitude towardthejob and fulfill the task he arranged to me in advance, and do my best tobringbenefits to the company.

10Have you ever been fired

Never.Salesman ismy first job. I resigned two months ago.

11Have you ever been asked to resign fromanother job?
Idid not have such experience until now. But I believe I can find a betterjobbecause of my ability.

12Can we check your references? Andwhat will your references say? 你的证书能说明什么?

13How many sick days did you take last year?去年你请了多少病假
Myhealthy condition is good. I am healthy. I have never asked for leavebecause ofsickness last year.

14Personality and Motivation30Do youconsider yourself a success?
Themeaning of success is broad. For me success is to fulfill the goal that Ihaveset. I will depart my ultimate goal in to many small goals. And realizethesesmall goals one by one so that I can get my ultimate goal in the nearfuture.

15What kinds of decisions are most difficultfor you?

16Why has it taken you so long to find a job?

17What are your outstanding qualities?你的优秀的品质是什么?What are your qualifications?
我觉得作为一个服务型人员,我的优秀品质表现在拥有愿意为别人服务的心态,喜欢去照顾身边的人,尽我全力去帮助别人是我最开心的事,却不会埋怨,不去计较。 34What interests you most about being a flightattendant?
Howthe company arranges holidays for the staff. And How many days I can haveto sittogether with my parents.

18Describe a difficult problem you've dealtwith.
How important is appearance?
Theappearance is important for a girl. But compared with the appearance, theinnerbeauty is more important. Just as we know, if the appearance is a letterofrecommendation, the inner beauty is a credit card.

20What do you think will be the biggestchallenge of being a flightattendant?
Thebiggest challenge for being a flight attendant is that they need to bewillingto serve for others and like to devote. A flight attendant must providethe bestservice for the passengers and improve the image of his or her company.So he orshe can bring more benefits to the enterprise.

21 Do you have any natural talentor skill, something that comeseasy to you?
Mypassion and affinity are natural. I do not need to pretend to be friendly.Ithink it is simple to communicate with others. If you treat the peoplearoundsincerely, there will be no indifferent between us. I believe everyonecanbecome friend.

22What do you like to do in your spare time?
Evenin his spare time, I did not stop learning, because my major is humanresourcemanagement, so I like to read some books about management, I like tostudy howthe company runs, and how to make the company more powerful.


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